Physical Theatre
We all want to be WIPs. We all want to be part of that select group called: Web Important People. To be someone special. To be treated like someone special. That's why we spend hours and hours in front of the screens of our mobile phones, computers and tablets. The Internet connection offers a virtual world where you can be part of a group, be a member of a community. You could multiply the number of friends and feel that you are more connected with others. Until that attempt to be more popular, to be more liked, becomes obsessive... Cyber addiction, cyber addiction, cyber addiction...
IDEX. Patients who come to our clinics know that their daily pastime has become obsessive and uncontrollable. IDEX. They are looking for a solution. IDEX. Our addiction shock therapies and subsequent rehabilitation have been designed to help people suffering from an addiction to regain meaning in life. IDEX. Welcome to the technology detox clinic.
Function: Lighting design.
Staging, original idea, direction and creation: Estitxu Zaldua and Juanjo Herrero
Texts: Xabier López Askasibar
Performers: Estitxu Zaldua and Juanjo Herrero
Choreography: Estitxu Zaldua and Juanjo Herrero
Video editing: Markel Andia Ruiz
Costumes: Rubik Co. and Lupe Mansilla
Space design: Rubik Co.
Music: Juanjo Herrero
Graphic design: Juanjo Herrero
Management and distribution: Estitxu Zaldua
Production: Rubik Co.
Presented at La Fundición. Bilbao-Spain.